Verification for holders channel in DC

3 min readNov 8, 2022


Dear 10KWorldCup holders,

we open an exclusive Holder Channel for you. After the verification of your 10KWorldCup NFT, You will receive a new status — — 10KWorldCup Holder. This process will also verify Bluechip NFT at the same time, and it shows in your role.

Come and join in our Holder channel right now !!!


#collabland-join is where members begin to verify by clicking ‘Let’s go!’ button, to begin verification.

2. Connect Wallet

Read the instructions below, and then click ‘Connect Wallet’ when you are ready. It shows that signing this is to verify your account ownership.

If you have used Collab.Land before, your previously connected wallets will show here in the wallet delegation screen. You can select the wallet you would like to use by clicking ‘Verify’ without having to sign.

If you have not used Collab.Land before, or you would like to connect with a new wallet, click on ‘+ Verify with a New Wallet’.

3. Find your Wallet

Select the wallet you would like to connect with. If the wallet you would like to use is not shown, click on ‘Show All’ for all available wallets.

Once you have selected your wallet, click on the ‘Sign Message’ button which will then prompt you to sign in the wallet you selected. Take a moment to check the signature message.

It should match the message you received at the beginning of the process in Discord.

4. Success!

If the connection process was completed, you will receive a message that your wallet is now connected.

Return to the #collabland-join channel you are verifying in. Collab.Land will text you which role(s) you were given.

Congrats !

10KWorldCup Team




Written by 10K WORLD CUP

10K World Cup is the first Social Game NFT collection for Sports fans allover the world.

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